[摘要]我认为是相当经典的,帮过我大忙,可以实现很多PHP的IMAP函数不能实现的功能。以前在广州站贴过,那时北京站还没PHP版,现在再贴一个吧。:) <?php /*****************...
File: cyradm.inc.php
Author: 忘了,嘻嘻
Date: 2000-11-01
This is a completely new implementation of the IMAP Access for
PHP. It is based on a socket connection to the server an is
independent from the imap-Functions of PHP
class cyradm {
var $host;
var $port;
var $mbox;
var $list;
var $admin;
var $pass;
var $fp;
var $line;
var $error_msg;
function cyradm($IMAP_HOST="localhost", $IMAP_ADMIN="", $IMAP_PW="", $IMAP_PORT="143"){
$this->host = $IMAP_HOST;
$this->port = $IMAP_PORT;
$this->mbox = "";
$this->list = array();
$this->admin = $IMAP_ADMIN;
$this->pass = $IMAP_PW;
$this->fp = 0;
$this->line = "";
$this->error_msg = "";
# SOCKETLOGIN on Server via Telnet-Connection!
function imap_login() {
$this->fp = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, &$errno, &$errstr);
if(!$this->fp) {
echo "<br>ERRORNO: ($errno) <br>ERRSTR: ($errstr)<br><hr>\n";
} else {
$this->command(". login \"$this->admin\" \"$this->pass\"");
return $errno;
# SOCKETLOGOUT from Server via Telnet-Connection!
function imap_logout() {
$this->command(". logout");
# SENDING COMMAND to Server via Telnet-Connection!
function command($line) {
/* print ("$line <br>"); */
$result = array();
$i=0; $f=0;
$r = fputs($this->fp,"$line\n");
while (!((strstr($returntext,". OK") (strstr($returntext,". NO")) (strstr($returntext,". BAD")))))
/* print ("$returntext <br>"); */
if ($returntext)
if (!((strstr($returntext,". OK") (strstr($returntext,". NO")) (strstr($returntext,". BAD")))))
if (strstr($returntext,". BAD") (strstr($returntext,". NO")))
$this->error_msg = $returntext;
if (( strstr($returntext,". NO Quota") ))
print "<br><hr><H1><center><blink>ERROR: </blink>UNEXPECTED IMAP-SERVER-ERROR</center></H1><hr><br>
<table color=red border=0 align=center cellpadding=5 callspacing=3>
<tr><td>SENT COMMAND: </td><td>$line</td></tr>
<tr><td>SERVER RETURNED:</td><td></td></tr>
for ($i=0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
print "<tr><td></td><td>$result[$i]</td></tr>";
print "</table><hr><br><br>";
return $result;
# READING from Server via Telnet-Connection!
function getline() {
$this->line = fgets($this->fp, 256);
return $this->line;
# QUOTA Functions
function getquota($mb_name) {
$output=$this->command(". getquota \"$mb_name\"");
if (strstr($output[0],". NO"))
$ret["used"] = "NOT-SET";
$ret["qmax"] = "NOT-SET";
$realoutput = str_replace(")", "", $output[0]);
$tok_list = split(" ",$realoutput);
$ret["used"] = str_replace(")","",$tok_list[$si_used]);
$ret["qmax"] = $tok_list[$si_max];
return $ret;
function setmbquota($mb_name, $quota) {
$this->command(". setquota \"$mb_name\" (STORAGE $quota)");
# MAILBOX Functions
function createmb($mb_name, $mb_partition="") {
$this->command(". create \"$mb_name\" $mb_partition");
function deletemb($mb_name) {
$this->command(". setacl \"$mb_name\" $this->admin d");
$this->command(". delete \"$mb_name\"");
function renamemb($mb_name, $newmbname) {
$this->setacl($mb_name, $this->admin,$all);
$this->command(". rename \"$mb_name\" \"$newmbname\"");
$this->deleteacl($newmbname, $this->admin);
function renameuser($from_mb_name, $to_mb_name) {
$all="lrswipcda"; $find_out=array(); $split_res=array(); $owner=""; $oldowner="";
/* Anlegen und Kopieren der INBOX */
$this->setacl($to_mb_name, $this->admin,$all);
$this->copymailsfromfolder($from_mb_name, $to_mb_name);
/* Quotas uebernehmen */
if (strcmp($oldquota,"NOT-SET")!=0) {
$this->setmbquota($to_mb_name, $oldquota);
/* Den Rest Umbenennen */
$split_res=explode(".", $to_mb_name);
if (strcmp($split_res[0],"user")==0) {
$split_res=explode(".", $from_mb_name);
if (strcmp($split_res[0],"user")==0) {
for ($i=0; $i < count($find_out); $i++) {
if (strcmp($find_out[$i],$username)!=0) {
$this->renamemb((str_replace("/",".",$find_out[$i])), ("$to_mb_name"."$split_res[1]"));
if ($owner) {
if ($oldowner) {
$this->deleteacl($to_mb_name, $this->admin);
function copymailsfromfolder($from_mb_name, $to_mb_name) {
$this->setacl($from_mb_name, $this->admin,$all);
$com_ret=$this->command(". select $from_mb_name");
for ($i=0; $i < count($com_ret); $i++) {
if (strstr( $com_ret[$i], "EXISTS"))
$findout=explode(" ", $com_ret[$i]);
if ( $mails != 0 ) {
$com_ret=$this->command(". copy 1:$mails $to_mb_name");
for ($i=0; $i < count($com_ret); $i++) {
print "$com_ret[$i]<br>";
$this->deleteacl($from_mb_name, $this->admin);
# ACL Functions
function setacl($mb_name, $user, $acl) {
$this->command(". setacl \"$mb_name\" \"$user\" $acl");
function deleteacl($mb_name, $user) {
$result=$this->command(". deleteacl \"$mb_name\" \"$user\"");
function getacl($mb_name) {
$aclflag=1; $tmp_pos=0;
$output = $this->command(". getacl \"$mb_name\"");
$output = explode(" ", $output[0]);
while ($i>3) {
if (strstr($output[$i],'"')) {
if (strstr($output[$i-1],'"')) {
while ($aclflag!=0)
$spacestring=$output[$i]." ".$spacestring;
if (strstr($output[$i],'"')) { $aclflag=0; }
if ($i>2) {
$ret[$spacestring] = $output[$tmp_pos];
$ret[$output[$i-1]] = $output[$i];
$i = $i - 2;
return $ret;
# Folder Functions
function GetFolders($username){
$output = $this->command(". list \"$username\" *");
for ($i=0; $i < count($output); $i++) {
return $output;
function EGetFolders($username){
$output = $this->command(". list \"$username\" *");
for ($i=0; $i < count($output); $i++) {
// echo "<br>FOLDER:($) CURRENTFOLDER:($splitfolder[3]) CURRENT:($current) LAST:($last) POSITION:($position)<br>";
if (strcmp($current,$last)==0){
return $newoutput;
# Folder-Output Functions
function GenerateFolderList($folder_array, $username)
print "<table border=0 align=center>";
for ($l=0; $l<count($folder_array); $l++)
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"acl.php?username=",
print "</table>";
function GetUsers($char) {
$users = array();
$j = 0;
$prev = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < count($output); $i++) {
$username = split("/", $output[$i],-1);
if ((isset($username)) && (isset($users))) {
if (strcmp($username[1], $users[$prev])) {
$users[$j] = $username[1];
if ($j != 0) { $prev = $j - 1; }
return $users;
function debug($message) {
// echo "<hr>$message<br><hr>";