

网站教程2024-12-27 阅读()
[摘要]using System; namespace combinaton /// <summary> /// Summary description for Class1. /// <...
 using System;

namespace combinaton
 /// <summary>
 /// Summary description for Class1.
 /// </summary>
 class Class1
  /// <summary>
  /// The main entry point for the application.
  /// </summary>
  static void Main(string[] args)
   // TODO: Add code to start application here
   Console.WriteLine("please input n :");
   long n=long.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
   Console.WriteLine("please input r :");
   long r=long.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  static void combinaton(long n,long r)
    long temp;
   long[] s=new long[n];
   long count = combi(n,r);
   Console.WriteLine("there are total:{0}count:",count);
   for(long i=0;i<r;i++)
   for(long i=1;i<count;i++)
    long m=r-1,max_value=n;
    for(long j=m+1;j<r;j++)
    for(long k=0;k<r;k++)

  //compute value of c(n,r)
  static long combi(long n,long r)
   long sn=1,sr=1,s_r=1;
   for(long i=1;i<=n;i++)
   for(long j=1;j<=r;j++)
   for(long k=1;k<=n-r;k++)
   return sn/sr;

