[摘要]<script language=javascript>function fnSubmit(strPage) document.forms[0].action= strPage do...
<script language=javascript>
function fnSubmit(strPage)
document.forms[0].action= strPage
call writedropdowns
Sub writeDropDowns()
Dim strSelfLink
strSelfLink = request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
response.Write "<form name=dates method=post>" & vbcrlf
response.Write MonthDropDown("month1",False,request("month1"),strSelfLink) & " " & DayDropDown("day1", "",getDaysInMonth(request("month1"),request("year1")),request("day1")) & " " & YearDropDown("year1","","", request("year1"),strSelfLink) & vbcrlf
response.Write "</form>" & vbcrlf
End Sub
Function MonthDropDown(strName, blnNum, strSelected, strSelfLink)
Dim strTemp, i, strSelectedString
strTemp = "<select name='" & strName& "' onchange='
javascript: fnSubmit(" & chr(34) & strSelfLink & chr(34) & ")'>" & vbcrlf
strTemp = strTemp & "<option value='" & 0 & "'>" & "Month" & "</option>" & vbcrlf
For i = 1 To 12
If strSelected = CStr(i) Then
strSelectedString = "Selected"
strSelectedString = ""
End If
If blnNum Then
strTemp = strTemp & "<option value='" & i & "' " & strSelectedString & " >" & i & "</option>" & vbcrlf
strTemp = strTemp & "<option value='" & i & "' " & strSelectedString & " >" & MonthName(i) & "</option>" & vbcrlf
End If
strTemp = strTemp & "</select>" & vbcrlf
MonthDropDown = strTemp
End Function
Function YearDropDown(strName, intStartYear, intEndYear, strSelected, strSelfLink)
Dim strTemp, i, strSelectedString
If intStartYear = "" Then
intStartYear = Year(now())
End If
If intEndYear = "" Then
intEndYear = Year(now()) + 9
End If
strTemp = "<select name='" & strName& "' onchange='
javascript: fnSubmit(" & chr(34) & strSelfLink & chr(34) & ")'>" & vbcrlf
strTemp = strTemp & "<option value='" & 0 & "'>" & "Year" & "</option>" & vbcrlf
For i = intStartYear To intEndYear
If strSelected = CStr(i) Then
strSelectedString = "Selected"
strSelectedString = ""
End If
strTemp = strTemp & "<option value='" & i & "' " & strSelectedString & " >" & i & "</option>" & vbcrlf
strTemp = strTemp & "</select>" & vbcrlf
YearDropDown = strTemp
End Function
Function DayDropDown(strName, intStartDay, intEndDay, strSelected )
Dim strTemp, i, strSelectedString
If intStartDay = "" Then
intStartDay = 1
End If
If intEndDay = "" Then
intEndDay = getDaysInMonth(Month(now()),Year(now()))
End If
strTemp = "<select name='" & strName& "'>" & vbcrlf
strTemp = strTemp & "<option value='" & 0 & "'>" & "Day" & "</option>" & vbcrlf
For i = intStartDay To intEndDay
If strSelected = CStr(i) Then
strSelectedString = "Selected"
strSelectedString = ""
End If
strTemp = strTemp & "<option value='" & i & "' " & strSelectedString & " >" & i & "</option>" & vbcrlf
strTemp = strTemp & "</select>" & vbcrlf
DayDropDown = strTemp
End Function
Function getDaysInMonth(strMonth,strYear)
Dim strDays
Select Case CInt(strMonth)
Case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12:
strDays = 31
Case 4,6,9,11:
strDays = 30
Case 2:
If ( (CInt(strYear) Mod 4 = 0 And CInt(strYear) Mod 100 <> 0) Or ( CInt(strYear) Mod 400 = 0) ) Then
strDays = 29
strDays = 28
End If
'Case Else:
End Select
getDaysInMonth = strDays
End Function